I welcome enquiries from prospective PhD students interested in ecocriticism (especially climate change and literature), British Romantic women poets, or epic literature.
PhD students: current
University of Liverpool
PhD students: alumni
University of Surrey
PhD students: current
University of Liverpool
- Hilary Bowling: 'The Weirding of Landscape in Contemporary Fiction: Place, Agency, and Affect on a Warming Planet'. (External supervisor)
- Yao Cheng: 'The Cultural Imagination of the Other: How Chinese Women are Represented in Asian Cinema'. (External supervisor)
- Ziyun Zhang: ‘International Students’ Intercultural Adaptation in Chinese-Medium Universities and English-Medium Universities: A Comparative Study’. (External supervisor)
PhD students: alumni
University of Surrey
- Enaiê Azambuja: 'Cosmological Imaginations: Zen and Material Ecopoetics in Williams, Moore, Stevens, and Cummings'. AHRC-funded.
- Emma Curran: ‘Faces of Nature: Feminine Personification in Women’s Romantic Poetry 1780-1815’.
- Louise Squire: ‘The Subject Reconsidered: Death-Facing and Its Challenges in Contemporary Environmental Crisis Fiction’.
- Jonathan Taylor: 'Calliope Unbound: Culture and the Idea of Epic from the Eighteenth Century to the Present'. AHRC-funded.
- Emily Fisher: 'Gothic Faultlines: Multimodal American Literature and the Collective Reading Enterprise'. AHRC-funded. (Co-supervisor)
- M. E. Rollé: 'Solastalgia'. (Co-supervisor)
- Jane Costin: ‘D. H. Lawrence’s Quest for Blood Consciousness: From Cornwall to America’.
- Vanessa Hager: ‘The Search for the Thing Itself: Psychoanalysis, Agamben, and the Literary Quest’.
- Pauline Liu-Devereux: ‘Galleries and Drift: Mapping Undermined Landscapes’ . AHRC-funded.
- Andrew McInnes: 'Wollstonecraft's Ghost: The Fate of the Female Philosopher in the Romantic Period'. (Co-supervisor)
- Megan Oldcorn: 'Falmouth and the British Maritime Empire'. ESF-funded. (External supervisor)